Over the years, I've developed a schedule I follow when doing family pictures. It's not set in stone, and I adjust as needed to fit each family, but 90% of the time this schedule is my go to and works really well.
Generally speaking kids are happiest and the most willing to participate at the beginning of a session, so I always start the session with pictures of the whole family together. First we do a few of everyone looking at the camera and smiling. (Obviously some kids might not do exactly that, but as long as everyone is looking happy then I count it as a win!)

After the more formal pictures together, we play games and have some fun with the whole family. These are my favorite type of family pictures!

Once the full family pictures are done, I usually do any group pictures of the kids the parents would like. This family got pictures of the kids all together and some of just the brothers. If any of the kids need a break after the family pictures, then I skip ahead to individual pictures and circle back to doing pictures with kids together.

Each kid gets their own set of pictures by themselves. I make these fun for the kids and let them play, explore, and have fun while taking pictures.

And if any cuteness is happening with the family members who are waiting around, I may get distracted a little bit before jumping back in to individual pictures ;)

When booking a session with me, I have clients fill out a questionnaire to help me get to know them. One of the questions for families is if they would like to have pictures of just them and their spouse or partner. I love when clients say yes to this question! I always save these for the very end. That way the kids are done, and the parents can relax just a little bit. We either let the kids play close by, or some parents like to load their kids up in the car when it is parked right by us. This is especially nice if it's a colder day and the kids are ready to get warmed up!

Bethany Allen is a family photographer in Utah. Based in Cedar City, she also travels to photograph families throughout southern Utah including Beaver, Duck Creek, St. George, and more. Click here to book a session.